The Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa anime adaptation is set to premiere sometime this fall, its Twitter account has revealed. More information will be revealed at a later date.
The reveal comes after the end of The Culprit Hanzawa‘s fellow spin-off Detective Conan: Zero’s Tea Time on May 9 (the anime premiere in Japan on April 4). An illustration of Zero and Hanzawa was released by the Zero’s Tea Time Twitter account.
The anime is based on the Shogakukan-published Detective Conan: The Culprit Hanzawa manga by Mayuko Kanba, which began in 2017 and has six tankoubon volumes as of October 2021. It is a criminal gag manga with a protagonist that resembles the silhouetted figure used to depict unknown persons in the main series. The manga is serialized in Shonen Sunday S and published under the Shonen Sunday Comics label.
Sources: @hanzawasan_file, Comic Natalie