Detective Conan: The Bride of Halloween and Crayon Shin-chan: Mononoke Ninja Chinpuden have continued to maintain their positions at the top of the Japanese box office charts over the weekend (April 30 to May 1).

As reported by Kogyo Tsushin, Detective Conan: The Bride of Halloween remained in the top spot for its third consecutive weekend with 735 million yen (~US$5.65 million), while Crayon Shin-chan: Mononoke Ninja Chinpuden took the second spot for the second weekend in a row with 284 million yen (~US$2,182,199). The movies premiered in Japan on April 15 and April 22 respectively.

The Bride of Halloween‘s current total gross now sits at 5.23 billion yen (~US$40 million), with Kogyo Tsushin noting that it was the fastest in the series to pass the 5 billion yen mark. Meanwhile, Mononoke Ninja Chinpuden passed the 800 million yen mark (~US$6 million) for its total gross.

Free! The Final Stroke: The Second Volume and Eiga Doraemon: Nobita no Little Star Wars 2021 also remained on the weekend top 10 chart, although the former, which premiered on April 22, found itself dropping from 4th to 7th place. Eiga Doraemon: Nobita no Little Star Wars 2021 maintained its 8th spot, which it had held since its March 4 release, and was recorded with a total gross of over 2.5 billion yen (~US$19 million).

Source: Kogyo Tsushin