The official Twitter account of Masamune-kun’s Revenge has announced that the anime will be getting a second season. They shared a special illustration to mark the news and a special announcement video, compiling scenes from the first season.
On April 1st, 2022, the anime production team shared an April Fool’s joke stating that Masamune-kun’s Revenge would be getting a “third” season. The visual was then corrected the next day, with confirmation of a second season now in production.
The first season aired from January to March 2017 with Silver Link handling its animation production. An OVA special was released in July 2018 that acts as an “after story” to the manga series.
— TVアニメ「政宗くんのリベンジ」公式 (@masamune_tv) March 31, 2022
エイプリルフールイラスト公開#エイプリルフール の悪戯で第3期制作決定を報じる看板を設置した吉乃と、彼女を叱る愛姫
The production staff for season two has yet to be announced. Mirai Minato (The Great Jahy Will Not Be Defeated!) directed the first season and Michiko Yokote (Tribe Nine) wrote the series screenplay. Yuuki Sawairi (The Dungeon of Black Company) was the character designer and chief animation director. Tatsuya Katou (Sakugan) handled the anime’s musical score.
The original manga series was first published in Ichijinsha’s Monthly Comic Rex magazine from October 2012 to June 2018. It was written by Hazuki Takeoka and illustrated by Tiv. 11 tankoubon volumes have been published in total. Seven Seas Entertainment licensed and released the series for the English market.
Crunchyroll streamed Masamune-kun’s Revenge as it aired. They describe the story as:
“I’ve returned to this town for revenge!” Eight years ago, Makabe Masamune, a weak and chubby boy, was harshly rejected by the beautiful Adagaki Aki. Now, he’s lost a ton of weight, changed his name, and returned as a handsome teenage boy… all to make the “Brutal Princess” Aki fall in love with him so that he can reject her just as harshly as she did.