Kingdom 2: Harukanaru Daichi he, the upcoming sequel to 2019’s Kingdom live-action film adaptation, has released a new 90-second long trailer. The trailer previews various battle scenes and the theme song “Ikiro” by Mr.Children.
Meanwhile, the newly announced cast members include Kouichi Satou as the influential Qin prime minister Ryofui and Hiroshi Tamaki as Qin military commander Shou Hei Kun.
Kingdom 2: Harukanaru Daichi he is set to premiere in Japan on July 15. It is based on the Warring States period-set manga by Yasuhisa Hara, which began in 2006 and has 64 tankoubon volumes as of February 2022. The Kingdom manga is serialized in Weekly Young Jump and published under the Young Jump Comics label.
Amazon UK describes the first movie as:
An epic period drama based on Yasuhisa Hara’s best-selling manga of the same name. Set in China during the Warring States Period, the film tells the story of an orphaned peasant boy who encounters another boy destined to become the Qin emperor. Serving as the key general, the peasant fights on behalf of the king to unite China.
Like the first film, Kingdom 2: Harukanaru Daichi he is directed by Shinsuke Satou with a score by Yutaka Yamada. Tsutomu Kuroiwa and hara are credited as the screenplay writers again, although Satou’s name is absent from the role this time. The returning cast includes Kento Yamazaki as Shin, Ryou Yoshizawa as Eisei, and Kanna Hashimoto as Ka Ryo Ten.
The manga inspired a PSP game in 2010 and a TV anime series that began in 2012. The anime is currently in the midst of its fourth season, which began in April 2022. All four seasons have Pierrot as the animation production studio, with Pierrot subsidiary St.Signpost sharing the credit for the latest two seasons. The current season is directed by Kingdom Season 3 director Kenichi Imaizumi.
Source: Kingdom movie website