A television anime adaptation of Yuu Muraoka’s judoka manga Mou Ippon! is in production and will air in January 2023. The news was confirmed in the 32nd issue of Akita Shoten’s Weekly Shounen Champion magazine.
A 30-second teaser trailer featuring the main voice cast has also been released. The anime consists of Ayasa Itou as Michi Sonoda, Yukari Anzai as Sanae Takigawa, Chiyuki Miura as Towa Hiura, and Nene Hieda as Anna Nagumo.
The anime will be directed by Takeru Ogiwara (The Perfect Insider photography director). Aya Satsuki (My Master Has No Tail) is writing the screenplay, Airi Takekawa (Waccha PriMagi! key animator) is in charge of character designs and chief animation direction, and Shun Narita (Noblesse) is scoring the music. BAKKEN RECORD is handling the series’ animation production.
The original Mou Ippon! manga series was first published by Muraoka Weekly Shounen Champion on October 18, 2018. 17 tankoubon volumes have been published in total so far.
Anime News Network describes the manga’s story as:
The manga follows Michi Sonoda, who had planned to quit judo after her final tournament in junior high until her best friend Sanae Takigawa invites her to continue judo in high school.
Source: Comic Natalie