A new key visual has been released for the upcoming television anime project VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION. The anime is part of the TSUKIPRO multimedia series and will broadcast 13 episodes in total beginning sometime this fall.
The main voice cast for VAZZROCK will consist of Takuya Satou as Reiji Amaha, Yuusuke Kobayashi as Ouka Kira, Yuusuke Shirai as Futaba Kizuku, Masahiro Yamanaka as Issa Kizuku, Yoshiaki Hasegawa as Haruto Kujikawa, Tarusuke Shingaki as Takaaki Mamiya, Keisuke Koumoto as Ruka Nazumi, Yukitoshi Kikuchi as Shou Onoda, Takuya Masumoto as Gaku Ooguro, Tsubasa Sasa as Naosuke Ooyama, Shun Horie as Yuuma Shirase, and Taito Ban as Ayumu Tachibana.
Yoshiro Takamoto (Beelzebub) is directing the VAZZROCK anime series and Eriko Matsuda (After School Dice Club) is writing the screenplay. Fujiwara is credited with the original work and story for the series. Illustrator Natsuo is also credited with original character designs and is handling the animation character design. Minefumi Hara (Number 24) and Yutsuko Hanai (Love To-Lie-Angle) are in charge of chief animation direction for the series. PRA will be the main animation production company.
Other animation staff members include Hiroshi Ogawa (High-Rise Invasion) on prop design, Ayako Ooki (B: The Beginning Succession) on clothing design, Takatoshi Hamano (Trapped in a Dating Sim: The World of Otome Games Is Tough for Mobs) on sound direction, Hitomi Sudou on editing, and Scott McDonald (Love All Play) on art direction.
VAZZROCK THE ANIMATION will be the third television anime series following the first two seasons of TSUKIPRO The Animation. It will focus on two musical idol units from the VAZZROCK series named VAZZY and ROCK DOWN. The anime series was first announced at a TSUKIPRO special event on November 7, 2020.
Similarly to how the idol units in TSUKIPRO are themed after the twelve months, the members of each VAZZROCK musical group each represent a different gemstone.
HIDIVE has licensed and streamed both seasons of TSUKIPRO The Animation in North America. They describe the series as:
The band members of SolidS, QUELL, SOARA and Growth are more than just pretty boys with a talent for singing; they have their own lives both inside and outside the music industry. And that means personal drama, excitement, friendships and more!